We are barely through half the week and there has been plenty of news moving the markets. The cancellation of the Brexit vote in the U.K. President Macron caving to the yellow vests protestors agreeing to lower taxes and as a result breaking EU 3% of GDP rule on budget deficits. Giving ammunition to the populist Italian government to stand firm on their budget plans. In the U.S. there appears to be a risk of a government shutdown with President Trump and the democrats clashing over the budget bill. Trade war woes continue, even though it appears there are negotiations between U.S. and China. All of these events have had the markets moving up and down not really knowing what to make of it all.

Ask Broker Reads 

France is not Italy…yet

Everybody hates Apple – Time to Buy Apple?

VIX, Fear and Blurred Vision

SEC Increasing Pressure on Chinese Auditors. First Step going after Chinese Companies Listed in the U.S.?

To Vote or Not to Vote


Economy, Trade & Fed, Macro

Trump Clashes With Democrats Over Spending Bill, Threatens Government Shutdown via WSJ

The Eurozone Banks’ Trillion-Euro Timebomb by Mises Institute

China’s real endgame in the trade war runs through Europe via CNBC

The Sydney property falls are accelerating, and the last time they fell this far Australia had a recession from Business Insider

How Turkey Created a Debt Crisis by Bloomberg

India’s central bank governor Urjit Patel resigns amid tense stand-of via FT


Markets / Companies

Pot May Be Next for Tobacco Farmers Already Turning to Hemp via Bloomberg

Here’s what happens when the big media companies take their content off Netflix from Recode

Normal Accidents in the Stock Market by A Wealth of Common Sense


Google Exposed User Data, Feared Repercussions of Disclosing to Public via WSJ

Cronos CEO: $1.8 billion from Big Tobacco is just a beginning for cannabis industry by MarketWatch

GoPro Moves Some Production Out of China Due to Trade War by The Information



A Bitcoin Exchange Boss Thinks Jeff Bezos Will Trigger The Next Bull Run via Forbes

Samsung is reportedly developing a cryptocurrency wallet app from The Block


Research / Interesting Reads

We’re No Longer in Smartphone Plateau. We’re in the Smartphone Decline. By NYMagazine

Lessons From the Bernie Madoff Fraud, 10 Years Later via Barrons

The Quant King, the Drug Hunter, and the Quest to Unlock New Cures from Bloomberg

When Are Sales Too Good to Be True? By Consumer Reports